Friday 13 December 2013

I Am Very Single and Free To Mingle - Sulu

Former Housemate in the just ended continental reality show Big Brother Africa The Chase, Sulupinsio Banda popularly known as Sulu has declared that he is currently single and ready to mingle. In an interview with Zibani Zambia recently, Sulu disclosed that he is just like any other man who is attracted to the opposite sex but that he will not use his acclaimed fame to find the lady that he will spend the rest of his life with.

 “You see I am a man and everywhere that I go, a lot of ladies are always on me ever since I came out of the Big Brother House. I can admit to you that before i thought of audition for the Big Brother, I was the one who was always looking for a lady that I could love but most of them were saying no but imagine after I came out of the Big Brother House, It has now turned out that I am now the one who gets to say no to the ladies” said Sulu. 

Sulu further said that he he is currently very single and ready to mingle with anyone but that he will not use his fame to get all the girls he wants because he understands that the fame might just lead him into the wrong hands if he is not careful. The visibly excited Sulu said jokingly “I am just like any other man who is able to react when ever he sees a skirt (lady), and right now i can tell you I am seriously in search of a lady because right now I am not seeing anybody so any lady that feels lucky can call me.” 

Sulupinsio Banda, who is also the young brother to United Party For National Development (UPND) Vice President Dr. Canisius Banda said said he was ready to mingle with anyone without commitment adding that the right time for him to marry is yet to come. And when asked who he had a closest relationship with while in the Big Brother House, Sulu said that Selly was his girlfriend.

 “If you asked me who my closest friend was in the house, then i can tell you that almost everyone was my close friend because while in the house it was difficult to make enemies with anyone because you never know who could save you. But I can tell you right now that Selly was my sweetheart, she was my girlfriend while in the house.” And when asked if he had continued dating Selly even out of the Big Brother House, Sulu said when he discovered that Selly already had a boyfriend before she came into the house, he just decided that they will just remain close friends because he is not that kind of a person who would start going after somebody’s girlfriend. 

Sulu is also currently working on a movie called ‘Guilty’ to be released soon in which he is going to feature as a taxi driver. “I chose to act the role of a taxi driver in ther movie because a lot of people have been misinformed about taxi drivers. Even when i entered the Big Brother House, IK wrongly introduced me as a taxi driver and people went on to believe that I was a taxi driver so I just want to show people that taxi drivers are also people who can make even more money than others working in offices.” He further said that he has never been a taxi driver in his life but that he owned a logistics company that offered transportation services and not him being a taxi driver. By Zibani Zambia - 


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