Sunday 5 January 2014

Maria Finally Admits She Loves Melvin

BBA Gossip has confirmed this scoop at Nite of a Thousand Dances that held at Sheraton Abuja on the 8th of December. The MC, invited Melvin and Maria upstage to talk to the crowd, during which he asked Maria if she loved Nigeria, her response was “I love this guy” referring to Melvin.

Our reporter also confirmed that she arrived Nigeria and has been with Melvn ever since.

"You could see the love in her eyes as she looked Melvin in the face with her hands on his shoulder. This is good news as i think Maria and Melvin will make a good couple. Looking at Maria her beauty is amazing, she also spoke some of the vernacular she has picked from her stay in Nigeria, they later danced to skelewu as you can see in the picture above, she is obviously a better dancer."


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